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Due to Russian invasion, the lives of millions Ukrainians have been upended and we have decided to help Ukrainians personally. Our strategic target is to give Ukrainians "the fishing rod instead of fish".



To create the ESG-based ecosystem projects with a win-win model for three parties at once: Ukrainians (first of all internally displaced persons – IDPs), local communities and global businesses. 

Due to Russian invasion, the lives of millions Ukrainians have been upended. UH trustees decided to help Ukrainians personally. Please see this video. Our strategic target is to give Ukrainians “the fishing-rod instead of fish”. Our task is to create the ESG-based ecosystem presenting the “win-win” model for three parties at once: Ukrainians (first of all internally displaced persons – IDPs), local communities in Ukraine and global business. Net Village is an example of such ecosystem: IDPs receive free housing and jobs, global employers located nearby receive guaranteed labor, and local communities receive additional tax revenue.

We are committed to 11 among 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals

6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15


1, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12


8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 17


The founders of UH (Ukrainians Help) fund are professionals in the commodities market who have worked with many global companies.


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Net Village



  • Net Village is an example of the ESG-based ecosystem: IDPs receive free housing and jobs, global employers receive guaranteed labour and local communities more tax revenue. UH will provide free of charge 32 m² and 65 m² apartments within Net Villages, during next 15 years. The families will have an option to own their housing. 

  • Net Villagers must earn a living and pay their utility bills themselves. That is why UH will also help IDPs with their employment. Net Villages are located near large international production enterprises that need additional workforce. Net Villages will help these companies in the west of Ukraine to solve the problem of high staff turnover.

  • Standard capacity per one Net Village: 512 people; 7,680 m² of residential buildings and 720 m² of administrative buildings. Totally for six villages: 21 hectares; overall capacity is 3,072 people; 50,400 m² of built space, including 46,080 m² of residential buildings and 4,320 m² of administrative buildings. Each land plot is 3.5 hectares. Necessary utilities are nearby.

  • In addition to residential buildings, a community centre, co-working office, park, car-parking, outdoor gym and playground will be built. A school & kindergarten has to be placed close to every Net Village within 1 km area. A bicycle path and a scooter path will be built separately.

  • Total budget to create each Net Village: €6m. Overall for six villages: €36m. Currently, €12mIn has been already committed.

Six Net Villages will be located near global production facilities in the West of Ukraine. These manufacturing companies are part of the biggest supply chains in the world.


Net Zero ambition

UH has ambition to create the first chain of Net Zero vilages in the world. According to CDP, the share of cities in the global CO2 emissions is 70%. Around 40% should be achieved by cities for the mitigation goals outlined in the Paris Agreement. According to Engie, 79% of corporates have emissions reduction targets, 24% of which only are on track to meet their climate goals.

15 kWh/m² per year

This will be averaged Net Village energy consumption, in compliance with the Passive House standard, compared to 300 kWh/m² per year for buildings built in Ukraine before 2007 and 150 kWh/m² per year for those built before 2016.

108,000 tonnes CO2

This will be Net Villages contribution to emissions reduction during 15 years.

10 GWh

Six Net Villages will achieve this reduction in the consumption of energy, compared to the Ukrainian conventional buildings annually thanks to solar heat collectors, geothermal heat pumps, solar PV panels, LED-lamps, bicycle and electric scooter roads.

6 million trees

That is equivalent to planting of this number of trees during 15 years.
3.7 GWh

Net Villages will feed this volume of surplus electricity into the power grid during the humanitarian project cycle. It makes each Net Village an Active one.

Net Villages will be equipped with Schneider Electric sensors, supporting the Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability. All the smart-village data on consumption and supply of electricity, heat and water will be provided to the sponsors and ESG-rating agencies via an API.



1-2 Rhodium Point Hawkinge Business Park, Spindle Close, Hawkinge, Folkestone, Kent, United Kingdom, CT18 7TQ

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